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Posted on: July 3 2019

Preparation Carnoy Solution

! I got the question from our stomatologist to prepare ' Carnoy solution '. However, I get several formulas forwarded from colleagues: -Version 1: Ethanol 96% + glacial acetic acid + chloroform -Version 2: Ethanol 96% + glacial acetic acid + ferrichloridehexahydritic (+ chloroform) Which is the right composition?



It is not easy to decide which composition is preferable. I have found the following information in the literature. I would consult with the Stomatologist! For filtration, you will need to inquire about chloroform resistant membrane filters.

2.1 Preparation of Solutions

The Carnoy's solutions used in this investigation were prepared by the same trained pharmaceutical, by using 6 ‐ ml absolute ethanol, 3 ‐ ml chloroform, 1 ‐ ml acetic acid and 1 ‐ g FeCl 3.6 H2O (ferric chloride hexahydrate) to obtain an approximately 10 ‐ ml final Solution. To obtain Carnoy's solution without chloroform, the 3   ml of chloroform was replaced by 3 ‐ ml absolute ethanol.

The Solutions produced, as described above, have supersaturated concentration relative to The ferric chloride hexahydrate salt. We proceeded with the filtration of the samples using a 0.45 ‐ μm syringe filter, which allowed to obtain solutions of Carnoy's with or without chloroform filtered. Thus, four types of solution were analyzed in the present study: Unfiltered Carnoy's solution with chloroform, filtered Carnoy's solution with chloroform, unfiltered Carnoy's solution without chloroform, and filtered Carnoy's solution without chloroform.


The absence of chloroform in solution may affect the performance of the solution due to the reduction of viscosity and ethanol penetration in tissues. Overall, Carnoy's solutions are acidic, stable in the initial 7   days, and prone to suffer alterations in the formulation with chloroform after the seventh Day (turbidity) as well as iron precipitation in the container when used without filtering.