To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

When preparing the following suppositories, you may easily experience clubbers. How to avoid? Paracetamol 0.5 gr ergotamine tartr 3 mg belladonna Extra 6 mg Butalbital 150 mg

Caffeine 100 mg
Laudanum 10 Dr
Pro Suppo & #039; s 30 < BR/> Is This due to the presence of Laudanum droplets?


I would sprinkle the mixture of the dilution of ergotamine tartrate with the belladonna extract and the butalbital sprinkling with the 10 Dr. Laudanum under good mixing. When a homogeneous brown color was obtained I would recommend to this whole the caffeine Anh. Add. It is very important that it is not granulated. And this is not the case with the purchased product. So a certain amount of caffeine should be crushed in advance with e.g. a coffee grinder. The total powder mixture is rubbed with part of the melted suppository mass to the absence of agglommerates. This mass is eventually added to the residual suppository mass and after mixing the whole is poured out.