To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Problems with the following preparation: Bromhexine Hydrocloride 160 mg pholcodine 130 mg HEC Q.S. Raspberries Syrup AD 200 ml f. Syrup

To make bromhexine hydrochloride soluble in water, it is necessary to add tartar acid. How much should one add and in how much water is it soluble? When one adds 7ml of water, one can dissolve Pholcodin. Is it necessary to add HEC?


I would add 250 mg tartar acid seen also the pholcodine with the tartar acid will react. Together with the bromhexineHCl I would dissolve these products in 50 ml of boiling water which I would add 130 g of granulated sugar. If everything is dissolved, the raspberry aroma can be added and diluted with water up to 200 ml. Use of HEC seems completely superfluous to me.