To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

The next problem arises in the preparation of Suppos with 135mg bismuth kamfo carbonate. After the preparation, the suppositories are always open. One uses ADEPs solidus as suppository Mass.

What would be the problem, is there a suitable method of preparation?


These suppositories are a copy of Angimuth suppositories, specialty, which was withdrawn.

Bismuthcamphocarbonate is a raw material, which is soluble in oil. So we can suspect that, if not completely soluble, the product may still partially dissolve in the suppository base. This is then accompanied by a melting point reduction.

to solve the annoying problem I would work incrementally.

  1. I would start with the suppositories after pouring slowly to let it cool. So no forced cooling in the fridge or anything like that. Wait long enough before taking the suppositories out of the mould. Should it prove necessary to lubricate the mould with a cotton wool soaked in glycerol.
  2. proves this insufficient then I would change to adding was as described at & #039; TARGET = & #039; _new_ & #039; > question 6 on the website of the call box.

    first calculate the concentration, then the melting point reduction and then consult the graph.