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Posted on: March 6 2013

Incompatibilities when mixing solutions for aerosol therapy.


You are signalling me a series of incompatibilities when mixing solutions for aerosol therapy.
I re-take those and complete them with the mention of the active ingredients present in the respective solutions. After all, the incompatibilities are explained on the basis of interactions between cationogenic and anionic substances!!
  1. Lomudal (after cromoglycate) + Syntaris (flunisolid) + atropvent (ipratropium bromide): Interaction cromoglycate negatively with ipratropion positive
  2. Berotec (Fenoterol HBr) + Bisolvon (bromhexine HCl) + Lomudal: Same interaction 2 X
  3. Atrovent + Bisolvon + Lomudal: Same interaction 2 X
  4. Berotec + Atrovent + Lomudal: Same interaction 2 X
The degree of cloudy-possibly precipitation is dependent on the ion size of the reacting substances.

as far as the mixture Atropvent + Beconase Aqua is concerned I see no problems because the active constituent of Beconase, Beclomethasone Dipropionate, is unresolved and not ionogen. So no important interaction.

you see that Elle long lists are redundant. With the rule: avoid Kationogen together with Anionogen, one comes far!