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Posted on: November 25 2014

I need to make a tetracycline HCl suspension

(R/Tetracycline HCl, sir. Simplex, Na citrate, MC, water ad 100 g) To suspend should tetracycl. Precipitate, how can I do this best? Does this happen when you add the Peptisator?


A tetracycline solution is unstable and discolours after a few days. Therefore, tetracycline is converted to tetracycline base using an alcalically responding compound. Usually this is Na2HPO4. IN This regulation, Nacitraat is used. Given there is no more kationactive connection in the solution any thickening agent can be used also NaCMC. The composition of FN 6 uses tragacant. An alternative is   Avicel RC 581 being microkriostalline cellulose with 11% CMC. This in is a very good thickening agent. Methylcelluosis can of course also be used without problems. The peptisator you mentioned is here filled by methyl cellulose.