To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: November 6 2017

I have a prescription for NaHCO3 8.4% 100ml for in an aerosol

Do you have experience with this? I find very little information about this.


Inking NAHCO3 is not abnormal. If you are googles with "inhalation or   sodium bicarbonate" you will find a number of uses of this therapy. It is of course unquestionable that the inhaled liquid should be sterile. But you can easily buy vials with sterile 8.4% NaHCO3 solution. You give me no information about the use. But it is advisable to have a sterile syringe with a sterile needle to suck the desired amount of solution out of the vial.  

A NaHCO3 solution is a good breeding ground for bacteria so we have to work aseptically. The inhalation device must also be cleaned cleanly. I do not know whether the plastic is enduring hot water (70 to 80 ° C).