To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

How do I prepare next Collyre? Dexamethasone 1 mg/ml neomycin sulfate 3500 E/ml polymyxin sulfate 6000 E/ml DT 10 ml


  • possibility 1: We strictly follow the prescription and are therefore obliged to prepare a suspension given the insolubility of dexamethasone. Not easy!! Difficult to achieve without a LAF cabinet, which can be present in a hospital pharmacy. Some OFFIICNA pharmacists are turning to a nearby hospital. But in addition, you also have to have some experience in aseptic work.

  • possibility 2: Consult the prescribing physician about the possibility of using dexamethasone dexamethasone after phosphate which is water soluble. I would set a neutral pH (6.8) and filter the solution sterile. Contacting the doctor is necessary, as the pattern of action of dexamethasone may be altered by this substitution!