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Posted on: August 25 2017

How do I prepare a complex O/W cream, which also contains Lanette wascrème

The composition is worded as follows: R/Nalauryl sulfate 4 G; Cetyl alcohol 30 g; Sweet Almond oil 40 g, decyl alcohol 30 g and lanettewascrème NF 6 to 200 g


Lanettewascrème NF 6 contains Lanette N 24 g; Cetiol   6 g; paraffin 10 g; Aqua Conservans 60 g. Lanette N is melted together with cetiol and paraffin at 60 ° C   in a TARRED beaker. . Aqua Conservans is heated up to 70 ° C.   The water   and the fat phase are mixed under stirring. The whole can be cooled to 40 ° C and the evaporating water is replenished.  

Decyl alcohol is not available in Belgium. Since it is a liquid we replace it with Cetiol or Isopropylmysristaat. So cetiol, cetyl alcohol and sweet almond are melted in a TARRED bottle on the hot water bath up to 60 ° C. 4 G of Nalauryl sulfate is added to the molten mass and the whole is brought to 200 + tare (bottle) using the still slightly warm Lanettewascrème. The bottle is closed and occasionally gently shaken.   At the beginning, the stopper is gently opened to lower the internal pressure.  

The shelf life will be quite limited because the concentration of preservative is at the low end.