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Posted on: March 6 2013

A Hemorro ï denointment based on nifedipine nifedipine 200mg PG 10ml lecithin 10g isopropyl opl 10g PEG Ointment FB V AD 100g

Nifedipine is not available as a vracproduct. This preparation would be used for the use of the Is there an alternative? Isosorbide preparation was already tried but without results.


As you suggest, no alternative is left. You will have to go from the most suitable speciality that contains nifedipine. Are the tablets then they will need to be ground properly, possibly the powder sieves. There will of course be quite a few ballast present. We can only make sure that they do not irritate.

This compound is an alternative to PLO gel, which makes in the US furore as an ointment base. But Bassron has put the "real" PLO gel on the market.