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Posted on: March 6 2013

Cream that does not "tackles"

Ichtyol 0.75 g liq. Carb. Deterg. 4g chlorhexidine Acetate 1g Menthol 0.5 g calamine 0.5 g Crotamiton 4g lanolin 30g Vaseline 30g water 30 g
< br/> The ointment can be turned around as a homogeneous mass in the salmon pot. She's running slippery around. How to remedy?


The behavior of the cream is due to an incomplete absorption of water. In The cream stitches conflicting emulsifiers. The effect of LCD should be disabled.

Tarreer a bowl + pestle; write down the tare weight; and weigh 4 G starch + 4 G LCD and mix; let alcohol evaporate best under warm airflow from hair dryer. Once dry mix well and determine the total weight of the contents of the bowl (M), which should be smaller than 8 g. Mix chlorhexidine acetate and calamine.

Take a second bowl and dissolve menthol in petroleum jelly (possibly under light heating) and add wool grease; let cool and add Ichtyol and Crotamiton and mix. br/> Add to this mixture the contents of the first bowl and mix; Finally add 30 g-(M-4) water.