To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

Are there still formulas of basic shampoos that are still reimbursed by the health insurance fund? Tegobetaine L7 and Texapon ASV are no longer reimbursed.


After additional information, I can conclude that three products are eligible for a shampoo, in which the RIZIV comes in in the cost price. These are: Nalauryl sulfate, Texapon NSO and Comperlan KD. The first product is a second choice. So we have to do it with Texapon NSO and Comperlan KD. According to the instructions of the RIZIV, no econazole nitrate should occur in the shampoo!!!! So we depart from the Shampo simplex FN 6 from which we delete Tegobetaine. This product is not replaceable by any other repaid product. So it should now be investigated what result we obtain after e.g. increase the amount of Comperlan KD (doubling?) or addition of e.g. 3g (or more) NaCl to this composition. Does this provide us with a reasonably viscous shampoo??