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Posted on: March 7 2017

Question about shelf life and incompatibilities

I wanted to ask you something about the shelf life of the following preparations: 1) Aqua Conservant concentrate with following composition:-Methylhydroxybenzoas 8g; Propylhydroxybenzoas 2g; Propylene glycol 90g  I had shelf life for 1 year, but I do not find the source again: is this correct and can you find the source please? 2) lugoloplossing with iodine, potassium iodide and water: I thought shelf life for 6 months? 3) acetic acid solution 2% or 3% in water: I thought shelf life 6 months? So, can you give me the source of it please? I also wanted to ask if you can find out if certain raw materials are incompatible with Aqua Conservans concentrate and on the other hand with mannitol Thank you


question 1 certainly 1 year because in propylene glycol I see no germs develop and hydrolysis of the NIPA esters is in anhydrous middle Unlikely But don't let us exaggerate and put the shelf life of the concentrate on 1 year   question Lugolopolssing   The German Formularium has an aqueous solution with 5% iodine and potassium iodide. The shelf life, which they indicate is kept for 6 months in glass bottle. The My use cannot exceed the expiration date. To be good, this solution is stored in a glass bottle with cut neck and cut stopper. Iodine is aggressive and most plastics are affected.   question acetic acid: I find for ear drops 0.7% use my 6 month.   In addition, the determination of the content via titration cannot Problem. A loss of acetic acid can occur when the solution is stored in a kunstoffles.   but I still find the following text     P. p1 {margin: 0.0 px 0.0 px 0.0 px 0.0 px; font: 14.0 px Arial; color: #282727;-webkit-Text-stroke: #282727} P. p2 {margin: 0.0 px 0.0 px 0.0 px 0.0 px; font: 13.0 px Arial; color: #282727;-webkit-Text-stroke: #282727} span. s1 {font-kerning: none} 2.1 Haltbarkeit nach Anbruch Wird 5-prozentige Essigsäure mit dem Ubiquitär in der Luft vorkommenden Essigbakterium Acetobacter xylium kontaminiert, bildet sich as mit bloßem Auge erkennbare schleimig trübe Struktur die so Genannte "Essigmutter" ( Vinegar nut). Diese ist nicht gesundheitsschädlich, kann aber durch Bildung von Acetaldehyd einen Fremdgeruch revolutionrufen. Da auch ohne Geforderte Sterilität erkennbare bakterielle Verunreinigungen unzulässig sind, muss those Aufbrauchsfrist der Essigsäure-Wasser-Gemian im Einstelligen prozentualen Konzentrationsbereich in the Mehrdosenbehältnissen, those nicht steril zu sein Brauchen, in Abhängigkeit von Kontaminationsrisiko und Anwendungsart bzw. Overindulszweck Angemessen limitzt .   so shelf life 6 months (can be stored easily in refrigerator) and as a control agent: The perception of a strange smell.   As far as inignitity is concerned these of the NIPA concentrate will be those of the NIPA esters (Alcalische pH) and of mannitol I know No. Check out the Martindale!