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Posted on: March 6 2013

How to make: Methylsalicylate 10.2 g Menthol 5.44 G eugenol 1.36 g Carbopolgel AD 100g

It Is possible to obtain a homogeneous gel with this amount of methylsalicylate. I thought that after adding 10g alcohol it looked good. This was too early victorie cracked, because it did not succeed either.


With 10% alcohol this can not succeed; You need at least 60% alcohol and then a clear transparent and elegant gel might be possible. But! At such high concentrations of alcohol and taking into account the lipophilic nature of the substances dissolved in it, one will certainly have to rely on special non-classical bases to neutralize the Carbopol. It will not succeed with Triethanolamine or Trometamol (TRIS from the TMF). And those bases will not be found in the normal pharmaceutical circuit. So we have to opt for a different type of preparation. We are going to make a kind of emulsigel.

I suggest following formula for

Methylsalicylate 10.2 g
Menthol 5.44 g
eugenol 1.36 g
Carbopol 980 0.35 G
trometamol 0.4 g
cetyl alcohol 10 g
Tween 80 2g
Propylene glycol 5g
Aqua Conservans ad 100g
Preparation method:
In A tarred bottle we weigh 11g cetyl alcohol and 2.2 g Tween 80 and place the bottle in a hot water bath. After melting the cetyl alcohol we add the various medicines with an excess of 10% as well as 33 g of Aqua Conservans heated up to 60 ° C. The bottle is closed and shaken until an emulsion is obtained. Open a bottle of face!!!!

In a tarred round bottom shell with pestle, we rub the carbopol with the propylene glycol and add 35 g of Aqua Conservans, which was heated up to 70 ° C and in which Trometamol was dissolved. After obtaining a gel we add 59g of the still warm contents of the bottle and mix to homogenous. We let the whole cool to room temperature and fill with aqua Conservans up to 100g. After that we cover the shell with a transparent foil and place it in the refrigerator for 1 night. To finish, we place the scale with pestle on the balance and replenish the evaporated water to 100 g. Finally, mix well again.