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Posted on: October 1 2013

Gabapentin in vaginal cream for Vulvodynie

For Vulvodynie there are limited studies with pretty good results with topical application of gabapentin. In The USA this is already commercialised. Is there any possible to make a magistal preparation for this? PubMed: American Speciality:


following composition could be used: glycerol monostearate 4g,   light liquid Paraffin wax 14g, w Itte Vaseline 15.5 g, C Etomacrogol 7.5 g, p Ropyleenglycol 10g, W ater up to 100 g If the cream is too liquid, the amount of petroleum jelly can be slightly increased.   as a source for gabapentin, a speciality will have to be invoked. The hard capsules are best suited here.