To recipes helpdesk


Posted on: March 6 2013

A colleague urologist uses Terracortril suspension after certain surgical interventions in children. The product is no longer available until February. He asked me for a magistal preparation.

R/oxytetracycline hydrochloride (= Oxytetracyclinum 5.7 mg)
hydrocortisone acetate 17 mg
polymyxin B Sulfate (= polymyxinum B 11 400 h)
Alum. Tristearas
Paraffin liquidum
Pro 1 G


The Officina pharmacist cannot obtain aluminium tristearate. I only see 1 plea and this is to use zinc stearate. I don't think this replacement poses any problems?

A benevolent pharmacist (in the hospital?) should figure out how much znstearate is needed to convert liquid paraffin into a gel. I estimate 2 à 3%. For the rest I see no particular problems. Given the liquid paraffin to 110 ° C will have to be heated to dissolve the znstearate, I think that microbial quality is in order. Of course, it must be worked as pure as possible and once the oil is warmed up and the znstearate melted in the oil should be further worked under aseptic conditions. In a hospital where, I suppose, the pharmacy has a LAF cabinet, this does not pose a problem. In The ordinary Officina this is a little harder although here the discussed composition full of antibiotic sticks. Provided a well-planned procedure, it should also be feasible.